American Legion
Post #48
Chesnee, SC 29323

Thursday, November 8, 2012 3rd Annual Chesnee HS JROTC Cook Out

Tell me there aren't some tall tales being exchanged here

Post Commander Jones explaining A. L. cap to cadet

Adjutant Smith signing up a new Post member

WW II veteran & past Post Commander Bernard Cantrell with Roger Darby

WW II veteran & past Post Commander Connell Scruggs with Vice Cdr Terry Brown

Longest continuous member of Post #48 in the Camo hat - Tommy Walker

High attendance at this meeting

Cadets chatting

Commander Jones opening the meeting

Sgt Salas (Chesnee HS) addresses the group

Chesnee HS Battalion Commander and Executive Officer address the group

Who said these cadets can't eat?

Military items display by Ronnie Duckett

That's Ronnie wearing the glasses


copyright 2012 American Legion Post #48 djc