American Legion Post #48
Chesnee, SC 29323

22 Rim Fire Range Opens

At the right end of the target wire, something new has gone up

A closer view

The "frying pan" tree
(The frying pans may be gone now (they were not sturdy and didn't hold up)
but we do remember them fondly.

The "gong" set

Range Committee Chairman Ernie Goulet - this was his idea and he made it happen!

The barrier is as necessary here as on the "other" gong targets - bullets BOUNCE

This message is apparently not to clear to some people; before 2 days had passed,
some genius had fired 380 ACP rounds on this range

Ernie has spent a lot of time and effort to create this range,
thank him the next time you see him

These "gongs" are not as heavy duty as the other set; they will not withstand the high
power rounds from handguns larger than 22 rimfire
It will only take one "idiot" to ruin all of this for everyone who uses this range
Please help us take care of it!

US Navy Ensign


Copyright American Legion Post #48 Chesnee, SC djc 2015