American Legion Post #48
Chesnee, SC 29323

Regular Meeting sponsored by Eggers Funeral Home

The  Poster Eggers created for this meeting

SAA Jack Smith, Jr rehearsing the CHS JROTC prior to the meeting

Frank Moffitt (Eggers) with this evening's speaker John Witt (SCNG Ret)

John Eggers talking to Junior Littlejohn

Clark Smith, Tommy Hopper, & Ernie Goulet

Post Commander Cliff Jones begins the meeting

CHS JROTC Honor Guard presented the colors for this meeting (and they did an excellent job)

Terry Brown, Ralph Overcash, Charles Stacey, Lynn Stacey

The meal (provided by Eggers Funeral Home)
was Southern Bar-B-Que. Thank you Eggers!

Johnny Lawter, Tommie Hopper (hidden), & Thomas Prescott

Jack Smith, Jr lecturing Ernie Goulet while Paula Goulet & Sheila Smith patiently wait
(to lecture Ernie)

Jan Moffitt, Bill Noble, and Betty Eggers)

John Eggers introducing the Eggers staff who made this possible

Jan Moffitt

Bill Noble

Frank Moffitt - our primary contact

The speaker, John Witt, telling about his new organization who helps veterans

John Witt finishing up the questions

We cannot thank John & Betty Eggers and his staff for the meal and highly
informative speaker. We very much appreciate our relationship with Eggers
Funeral Home and hope that it continues for many more years.


Copyright American Legion Post #48 Chesnee, SC djc 2015